Christine Michaela Gross

ZPC pētniece, Dr.Sc.Hum, docētāja, Muzikoloģijas katedra

After my Master in Music Therapy at the SRH University of Applied Sciences in Heidelberg, I did scientific research at Neuropsychological department at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg, before I joined the research group "Music and Brain“ at the Medical University Heidelberg, Germany. In this research project we want to examine how the regular practise of music works on hearing ability and on non musical faculties (creativity, intelligence, reading, spelling and calculation).

I have recently finished my PhD thesis on individual differences in auditory profiles of children diagnosed with ADHD. Therein I investigated if and to what extent musical training may impact the development of children with respect to auditory processing capacity. 

At the JVLMA I do research activities to promote international scientific coopcration with the research group „Music and Brain“ who has international connections besides Latvia to Austria and Switzerland.